Beware of Unlicensed Scammers! Go With Northside Locksmith.
Often times when you need to call upon a locksmith, it is an emergency situation. You are locked out of your house or car, been burglarized, or lost your keys. Unfortunately we live in a time when others believe it is good business to take advantage of someone who might not be thinking clearly. If you go to Google or the phonebook to find help you might be swayed by full page ads or by the top slots in search results. This is where the scammers lurk. Unlicensed locksmiths that spend big money on ads to get your attention, then charge obscene prices for poor work. At Northside Locksmith, we know that we offer a valuable service. We quote our prices over the phone and will not shock you with a bill 2 or 3 times the price quoted. We believe in customer referrals and repeat customers. We want your business and we will prove that with our customer service and exceptional quality of work performed. You might not need us right now, but save our number in your phone--you will be happy that you thought ahead and were prepared for the unexpected.
All lockouts are treated as an emergency and dispatched immediately. Our technicians are scattered about our service area and usually no more than 30 minutes away from you. Once the technician is en route you will receive a call from them to confirm the service call and give you a better estimate of arrival.
Re-keying is the process of reconfiguring your lock so that the key you use, will no longer work. New keys are issued to fit the lock and anyone who does not have the new key will be locked out. The benefit of re-keying is that you do not need to purchase expensive new locks, we just change the old ones.
When should you re-key?
Anytime you move you want to change the locks. The previous owner or tenant could be someone that sees an opportunity in holding someone else's key. Even if they might be honest, who knows who they could have given the keys to. Don’t take that chance. Other times to re-key would be if you lost your key, purse stolen with keys and ID in it with your address, basically anytime you think someone has your key that you wish they didn’t.
If you are the type of person that doesn’t like carrying around a bulky keychain with 20 keys on it, you might want to consider putting all your house locks on one single key.
The idea of a master key system is to have keys on different levels. EXAMPLE. A landlord with a multi unit building might want one key to open every unit, front door, storage and utility area. Each unit would have a single key that only works the units, and a separate key for the front door. The maintenance guy would have a key that works only the front door and utility area. Without the building being on a master key system, the landlord would need to carry a key for all these different areas. In a large building that could be a lot of keys, and very confusing to keep track of all those keys.
If your locks are beyond repair or you just want to freshen up your door with new shiny hardware, we can help you. But before we can replace your old stuff, we need to know what you currently have and what you will be looking for. Click on the hardware tab above for a list of different styles and colors to choose from.
A new install consists of drilling a hole in the door or mortising out a cavity to fit a new lock for a door. Most often when we are called to do a new install it is to add a deadbolt in a door that didn’t have one. For older homes built 60 to 100 years ago crime was not as prevalent and doors were equipped sometimes with only a latching type lock. Today, every exterior door should be equipped with a deadbolt. Latching locks can easily be opened with a credit card or by prying door to expose the latch. They are also not designed to withstand the force of someone trying to kick the door in. Protect your entry points and call today to have a tougher lock installed.
High security locks are a combination of pick and bump resistant locks, and key control. See below for explanation of pick and bump resistant. Key control gives the owner total control of their keys. When you choose to have high security locks installed on your home you will be given a card for the locks and for more keys you can only call us to make them. No other locksmith or hardware store even has the blank key to fit in your lock. It is called key control because only you have the control to issue out these keys. More commonly used in commercial buildings or condos, these locks give you the satisfaction that if you can reclaim the key you can be sure that whomever had it could not make any duplicate copies.
Different from high security because these locks do not give you the patented Northside keyway. This key could be duplicated by other locksmith and depending on the lock some hardware stores. The benefit is that they cost way less than the high security while giving you protection against the new internet fad for thieves, lock bumping. Essentially what lock bumping is, is lock picking for amateurs.
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If you lost all your keys for a lock at home, the lock could be re-keyed, or the key could be originated from that lock to give you the same key you lost. Obviously if you are not sure where you lost the key then re-keying the lock to a new key would be highly recommended.
We have almost every lock for any locking mailbox on our truck. We get a lot of these calls.

Commercial work done at The Disney Store on the Magnificent Mile in Downtown Chicago
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Illinois Locksmith License #191.000870
Knowing what our customers want is easy, most of the time we are customers ourselves. We know how we want the job done and anything short of perfection is unacceptable. Listed below are a few key qualities that keep our customers calling back and keep our business the best service company in town.
Fast Response Time
When you call with a lockout or a lost key we know that you are in a situation that is out of your control. We know that you are depending on us to be on time and we know that we are obligated to inform you of exactly what time you should expect us.
Customer Satisfaction
When we leave the job we want you to be happy with the work you paid for. When you call Northside Locksmith you can be assured the job will be done right the first time and you can expect your technician to explain all work done and carefully explain all the pricing to you.
We know that when you are paying for work to be done, you want to be confident that the technician doing the work is competent. Our technicians all receive continuing education to learn new techniques and keep abreast of all the technological advances in our rapidly changing trade.
You can count on Northside Locksmith to give you consistent pricing, competitive with other locksmiths. Many other locksmiths, nationwide, believe that residential customer retention is not important. A common strategy among locksmiths is to lure in a potential customer by deceiving them by quoting an insanely low price over the phone. In a lockout situation, when you were told $55 and the tech adds on an additional $100 you will probably be willing to pay rather than wait another hour in the cold waiting to get in your house or car. The tech will tell you that $55 was just to come out and it costs more to finish the work. We have seen it happen and the video on the homepage shows you just how often these scams occur. At Northside Locksmith we will treat everyone as if they were lifelong customers. Our reputation is very important to us and we encourage all customers to leave feedback in our comment section.